5 Signs It’s Time to Get Back to Church


a church with a cross on top

Some people are in church every Sunday, no matter what’s going on. For others, it’s harder to get to service every week. Maybe you’re sleeping late after a long week at work or you just don’t feel like driving there. If any of these five signs sound familiar, it’s time to get back to church.

You feel disconnected from others

If you’re feeling disconnected from others, now is the right time to get back to church. When you’re in church, you can talk with other people who won’t judge or shame you. You can confide in your pastor or Bible study group. Even just saying hello to friendly faces before the service starts can help you feel more connected. When you’re feeling lonely or left out, it’s also a good time to check out withtherapy.com. Talking to a qualified therapist, in addition to people at church, will help you deal with anything you might be going through, from sadness and triggers to anxiety disorder. You’ll find that the combination of therapy and church can help you feel happier and healthier.


You’ve stopped reading your Bible

Some people read the NRSV Bible every day, finding meaning in God’s word. For some, reading the Bible is more of a struggle. If you’ve stopped doing your daily reading, it probably means that you aren’t putting God first in your life. Getting back to church will help remind you of what’s important and will inspire you to continue your daily reading. Whether you prefer the King James Version or the American Standard Version doesn’t matter. What matters is that you take comfort in God’s word whenever possible, and getting back to church will help you do so.


You’re struggling to find purpose in life

Everyone has moments of doubt in life. You might be struggling at work or feeling like a failure as a parent. If you can’t seem to find purpose in life, going to church will help you feel more satisfied. Connecting with your spirituality will help you feel confident in yourself and your choices. When you believe in your purpose in life, you are healthier and happier. You’ll feel connected to your surroundings and confident that you have a place in the world. This renewed sense of purpose might be just what you need to make a big change in your life.


You’re fighting with your partner

Couples who go to church together are much more likely to have happy and healthy relationships. In fact, regular church attendance can even lead to a better sex life. If you and your partner have been fighting more often or feeling unhappy, going to church on Sunday might be just what you need. You can focus on the Lord and trust that he blesses all weddings. Convince your partner to attend the service with you and your arguments will stop.


You’re angry, lost, or confused

Everyone feels angry, lost, and confused sometimes. This could be because something has gone wrong in your life, like a breakup or a death. When you’re feeling this way, you might tell yourself that you don’t need to go to church. Actually, this is the best time to head to service. Talk with your pastor about what you’re feeling and let him or her encourage you. Let singing a worship song help heal you. When life seems unfair, knowing that a higher power is guiding you will give you peace of mind. When you’re lost or confused, head to church and talk with God. He knows just what you’re feeling.


If any of this sounds familiar, it’s time to change your Sunday habits. Getting back to church will help you feel happier, more confident, and purpose driven.

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