There is nothing quite as joyful and fulfilling as the experience of becoming a new mom. With the myriad of new challenges, lifestyle changes, constant caretaking, and uncertainty that comes with this new role, the support, and friendship of other new moms are essential. In light of the added time constraints of having a baby, not to mention, the lack of sleep and the need to juggle other day-to-day responsibilities, many new moms are looking for ways to make new friends with the shared focus on their new-mom status.
The encouraging news is that most new moms are on the same page when it comes to expanding their social circle, making it surprisingly easy to make and foster new girlfriend relationships. Here are a few tips worth pondering for developing new “mom” friendships.
Tip # 1: Embrace the Internet
Today’s moms are more tech-savvy than ever and with the convenience of the internet, it really is so simple to meet new people across every conceivable area of interest and stage of life. The category of “new moms” can be divided into many subgroups in the modern age. Whether you’re a twenty-, thirty-, or forty-something new mom, or in a heterosexual marriage, a same-sex marriage, or a single mom, searching the internet is sure to help find the group that’s right for you.
Social media is a great place to start, namely Facebook and Meet-Up, where (depending on your geographical location) there are more than likely nearby new-mom groups to join and socialize with. New moms can never have enough support either, and with the growing number of single moms, namely among millennials (which, according to Johns Hopkins researchers, 57% of millennial moms are unmarried), online sources are becoming a dependable resource for comfort, connection, and parenting information.
Lots of online communities exist for women who fit into any self-identified group to give them an opportunity to bond with others and build friendships. As is the case with, an online community that focuses on a woman’s experience as a mother and promotes the idea “we think motherhood is more rewarding when we realize we’re not in this alone,” women can tap into a plethora of personal accounts, product reviews, and valuable information pertinent to mothering and family life.
Tip #2: Continue Beloved Leisure Activities With Baby
Who says having a baby means that moms have to curtail the leisure activities that they enjoy? In fact, in today’s all-inclusive world with an increased focus on the importance of good parenting, many gyms, health clubs, yoga studios, and more are baby-friendly. Whether it’s going for a swim, working out, or even going on a bike ride, many moms are staying active and continuing their beloved activities with their bundles of joy in tow, making participation in these avocations a great place to meet and interact with other new moms.
Of course, there are times when new moms need some time out just with the girls. These days, many cities are implementing bike-share programs, which is a great option for getting a bit of exercise, sunshine, and Vitamin D as well as making for a fun afternoon meeting up with some new-found friends. bike sharing stations in Bayonne, NJ, are enjoying a particularly great deal of success with this convenient way to rent a bike via mobile app, and it serves as a perfect way for new moms to get together for some morning or afternoon bonding.
Tip #3: Spend time at nearby parks
Parks, although old school and not terribly unusual, are probably one of the most timeless places to meet other new moms. There’s nothing more invigorating than bringing your little one out on an adventurous walk around the neighborhood to the nearby park. During the day, and especially on weekends, one would be hard-pressed not to meet and greet other moms either chasing toddlers around or gently rocking babies to sleep. Conversations are struck up quite naturally in this relaxing and laid back setting.